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Academic Publishing Services

Our academic publishing support services help you navigate the process of academic publishing from start to end. From identifying the best journals for your work to helping you address any comments from your reviewers, we have you covered. Our services include:

Journal Selection Service 

Journal Selection Report

The Journal Selection Report will contain a list of 3-5 journals that would be appropriate for publishing your work. The list selection will be based on factors such as Scopus Rating, Impact factor, and Subject Compatibility. We will also suggest any stylistic/format changes that you may need to make before submitting to the journal.

Cover Letter for the specific journal of your choosing

The cover letter will highlight the uniqueness of your work, and why it is appropriate for your chosen journal.

(Typical rates at 120 USD) # 

Pre-Submission Service

Journal Specific Formatting

Each journal has specific requirements related to formatting, typesetting, citation styles, indenting, etc. Our team will ensure that your document complies with such guidelines.

Art Work Clean up

We will edit your graphs, tables, and other artwork so that they comply with the formatting guidelines provided by the selected journal without compromising on the accuracy or aesthetic value.

Cover letter for one specific journal of your choosing

The cover letter will highlight the uniqueness of your work, and why it is appropriate for your chosen journal.

(Typical rates at 20 USD/500 words) #

Journal Submission Service 

This service simplifies the submission process for the author.

Our team will consolidate all the items and documents required for journal submission. A cover letter for the selected journal will also be provided.

Once the author provides all the necessary information, we will submit the paper to the selected journal and intimate the author of any response communication from the journal.

(Typical rates at 120 USD) #

Journal Resubmission Service

With academic articles, it is often necessary to answer questions or accommodate suggestions from peer reviewers. Additionally, at times you may be required to resubmit your article to another journal in the event of a rejection. Our resubmission services cater to these situations.


If resubmitting to a different journal

Reformat to new journal guidelines  and New Cover Letter.

(Typical rates at 20 USD/500 words) #


If resubmitting to the same journal

Check revised manuscript and verify whether all reviewer comments are addressed.

Our editors will assess whether the comments and suggestions by reviewers are addressed appropriately in the revised manuscript. We will also suggest improvements or do additional edits if required.

(Typical rates at 40 USD per 500 edited words) #


Edit and format Reviewer Response Letter

The reviewer response letter plays a crucial role in getting a resubmitted document accepted. We will work with you to ensure that the changes you made in the paper are highlighted and effectively conveyed in the reviewer response letter. We will also format the document as suggested by the journal.

(Typical rates at 60 USD) #

# Rates mentioned here are indicative, and may vary depending on the length and present state of the document. Typically, larger documents are billed at a subsidised rate. Contact us with your requriments.